Steal vs Rob - what's the difference?
Have you ever been robbed?
Have you ever had something stolen?
...what's the difference?
Watch this quick 60 second video (I don't want to steal your time) and find out.
HERE'S a Quiz plus the script
Have you ever had something stolen?
...what's the difference?
Watch this quick 60 second video (I don't want to steal your time) and find out.
HERE'S a Quiz plus the script
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Henry Ford
Tell me it easy for you to say what the difference is between Say and Tell?
Confusing Words Quiz :
See the Confusing Words Quiz below. Choose a) or b) to correctly complete each statement.
Click here to see the answers.
See the Confusing Words Quiz below. Choose a) or b) to correctly complete each statement.
Click here to see the answers.